Knee Replacement Recovery:
Physical Therapy Activity Guide
Weeks 1–2: Early Home Recovery
Reduce swelling, manage pain, and restore initial mobility.
1. Compression and Elevation
- Use a compression bandage or Velcro wrap from your foot to mid-thigh.
- Elevate your leg for 40 minutes every hour (toes above the nose).
2. Icing
- Apply ice to your surgical leg for 40 minutes every hour to reduce swelling.
3. Physical Therapy
- Perform these exercises every hour while awake:
- Seated knee flexion/heel slides: 10 repetitions.
- Knee extension (passive/assisted): 10 repetitions.
- Ankle pumps: 10 repetitions.
- Walk 5–10 steps/hour.
- Heel hangs: 10 minutes, 3x/day.
- Limit stair climbing as much as possible.
- Focus on range of motion (ROM) exercises with a goal of 0–110° by Day 14.
4. Step Count Goals
- Week 1: 750 steps/day maximum.
- Week 2: 1,200 steps/day maximum.
5. Other Tips
- Avoid strengthening exercises (e.g., squats or lunges) until cleared by your surgeon.
- If swelling or ROM doesn’t improve, consider additional interventions like lymphatic massage or a compression device.
Weeks 3–6: Progressing Recovery
Build strength, increase mobility, and reduce swelling.
1. Compression and Elevation
- Continue using a compression bandage or device.
- Elevate your leg for 40 minutes, at least 3x/day.
2. Icing
- Ice your leg for 40 minutes, 3x/day or more if needed.
3. Physical Therapy
- Gradually stop using assistive devices (e.g., crutches or walker) as tolerated.
- Perform range of motion exercises 6 times/day for 5–8 minutes each session.
- Continue isometric quadriceps sets (tightening your thigh muscle) but avoid strengthening exercises like squats until after 6 weeks.
- Focus on achieving maximum ROM (ideally matching your intraoperative ROM) by the end of Week 4.
4. Step Count Goals
- Week 3: 2,000 steps/day maximum.
- Week 4: 2,750 steps/day maximum.
- Week 5: 3,500 steps/day maximum.
- Week 6: 4,500 steps/day maximum.
- Gradually increase by 1,000 steps/day each week, using pain and swelling as your guide.
5. Returning to Work
- Avoid returning to work before 6 weeks if possible.
- Standing, stairs, or lifting too early may increase swelling and slow recovery.
Additional Tips for Recovery
- Maintain an anti-inflammatory diet and continue any recommended supplements.
- Monitor for signs of excessive swelling or limited ROM. Contact your surgeon if these occur.
- Focus on following the prescribed plan to ensure the best possible recovery and long-term success.